Artists project

This is the link where you can find all the information about this project prepared in collaboration with the Geography and History Department for the students of 4º ESO in the bilingual section:

This is the evaluation test you have to do to finish the project after all the class presentations. Remember: you won’t get the correct answers or any mark; it is just to check what you have learnt after all the presentations in class.

Vocabulary “Health / At the doctor’s”

This is a list of words and expressions related to health and the topic “At the doctor’s” that my students of 4º ESO selected to include for the exam. We worked in groups of 5 students with a picture dictionary (Word by Word. Picture Dictionary by Steven J. Molinsky and Bill Bliss. Prentice Hall). Each group had to make sure that the five students learnt all the words and practised the dialogues of the section that they were given. Finally, they had to make a selection of the most difficult words or expressions to teach the rest of the class.

This is the list with all the words and some pictures taken from the already mentioned dictionary, which I highly recommend to all my students:

  1. Backache = dolor de espalda
  2. sore throat = dolor de garganta
  3. cold = resfriado
  4. sunburn = quemadura del sol
  5. stiff neck = contractura del cuello
  6. wart = verruga
  7. chills = escalofríos
  8. hiccups = hipo
  9. shortness of breath = que te falta la respiración
  10. faint = desmayarse
  11. wheeze = respirar con dificultad
  12. sneeze = estornudar
  13. bloated = estar hinchado
  14. dizzy = mareado
  15. burp = eructar
  16. bleed = sangrar
  17. twist = torcerse
  18. sprain = hacerse un esguince
  19. scratch = arañazo
  20. scrape = rozadura
  21. scale = peso, balanza
  22. drill = taladrar
  23. needle = aguja
  24. stitches = puntos de sutura
  25. sling = cabestrillo
  26. crutches = muletas
  27. counseling = consulta
  28. rest in bed = guardar cama
  29. bed pan = cuña
  30. call button = botón de llamada
  31. Eye drops – colirio, gotas ojos
  32. heating pad – manta eléctrica
  33. ice pack – bolsa de hielo
  34. wheelchair – silla de ruedas
  35. tablespoon – cuchara sopera

Reported speech evaluation for 4º ESO students

These are the evaluation activities about the reported speech topic that we’ve been working in class in the last few weeks.


You have to write questions with the words given and go around the class asking your classmates these questions and writing down their answers. After that, you have to write a text in reported speech telling your teacher what you asked and what they answered.



The main objective is to record a conversation between two friends talking about any topic and then one of them will tell everything to a third one using reported speech.  You have to hand in the video in mp4 format. Here you have a file with an example:


And this is the evaluation rubric so that you know how you will be evaluated:


Global issues posters

My students have been studying vocabulary and expressions related to global issues:

Global_issues          Global_issues_game         Global_issues_recortables

We have been talking about their causes and consequences and we’ve been discussing about what we can do as individuals. One of these things is to create posters to inform people about these problems. Here are some examples of the posters they’ve made:

2016-04-11 10.44.30 2016-04-11 10.44.54 2016-04-11 10.49.38 2016-04-11 10.50.19 2016-04-11 10.50.29 2016-04-11 10.50.43 2016-04-11 10.50.54 2016-04-11 10.51.04 2016-04-11 10.51.16

Project “Create your own restaurant” for 4º ESO

Here you have the file with all the necessary information for this project (taken from     restaurant_project

You will have two marks:

For the written part:

1) Make a menu for your restaurant

2) Write a description of your restaurant (logo, name, owner, specialities, description of the place)

For the oral part:

  1. Role-play at a different restaurant
  2. Record a commercial for the radio (approximately 30 seconds)


Webquest about famous people in English-speaking countries

This is a webquest for my students of 4º ESO in which they have to guess who the famous characters are and search for information about them and their countries and home towns.  They will put into practice all that we’ve learnt this year: talking about personal information, descriptions of people, the use of the past simple, biographies, talking about cities or towns, food and recipes, currency….

This is the link: